Bling receives a gift box from "Live Like Rue"

When Bling was first diagnosed with cancer we were told about an organization named "Live Like Roo." The organization is dedicated to supporting dogs who have cancer. The gift box was amazing. We were so very thrilled to receive it. Bling is enjoying all the gifts she received. We will definitely be supporting this organization in the future. Living with cancer is a roller coaster. Days can be clouded with discouragement and disappointment watching your dog and thinking about time. How much time do we have or do we not have? The good days are awesome but there is a tiny voice reminding you that your dog is sick. The bad days are dreaded. Overall, we just have to reach a point where we remember to celebrate each and every day as it is truly a gift from above. Thank you so much to Live Like Roo. This gift box was a wonderful surprise. We are currently working on a new children's picture book about Bling being sick. Through the bad there is always a silver lining. With this new book, we hope to help children work though illness with loved ones and learn it is okay to be sick. It is important to stay strong, supportive and positive.


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