Bling's weekly book review: Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein
Hi friends, It is time for this week's book review. The name of this week's book is Interrupting Chicken . The story is written and illustrated by David Ezra Stein . Last week my book review was also a chicken story. Here we are this week with another chicken story. I love chickens. It is that simple. They are fun little pets and they give me eggs for my breakfast. Yeah. Eggs are yummy. This week's book, Interrupting Chicken, is about a little red chicken that interrupts her Papa when he is reading her bed time stories. I have 2 red chickens. Really, it is true. If you look closely, you can see them behind me in this photo. The first one is Tribble and the one behind her is Dr. Pepper. They are two of my most favorite chickens. I have nine. That's not counting my new chicks! Let's move on to our book review and stop me...
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