Bling is doing fabulously 2 days past her 2nd dose of chemo

Hi Friends! It is amazing how well Bling is doing. In this video it is her first time to run and play without restriction. We kept her time out rather short so she would not over do it. Bling was diagnosed with cancer the first part of December 2021. We did not let her play all of December out of fear she may rupture the tumor. Her surgery was 12/23 and her first chemo dose was 1/4. She was not allowed to play out of fear she may cause some internal healing due to a complicated surgery. This video shows Bling her first time to actually play in almost 2 months. Bling is being given carboplatin as her chemotherapy treatment. She is also being fed a diet that is suggested in part by the Dog Cancer Survival Guide written by Dr. Demian Dressler DVM and Dr. Susan Ettinger DVM. Bling is the start of the children's picture book, No Ghoulish Green Monsters Here. We are well into her second book's manuscript and have decided to add a third book ahead of schedule. This 3rd book will be about Bling being sick and in the hospital to have surgery. The intent of this 3rd book is to help children learn not to be afraid of going to the hospital whether they are sick, a family member is sick or a pet is sick. In the story, Bling meets a new friend in the hospital. He is a Golden Retriever named Tucker who also has cancer. Bling uses her special sparkle collar to make her brave and Tucker relies on his therapy dog cape to help him feel brave. Afterall, Bling is an adventurer who faces fears. Together with her family and her new friend, Tucker, Bling will face her fear of doctors. The book will be written and illustrated by, Dawn Secord, author/illustrator/artist. To see more about Bling and her children's picture book series, go to her website at


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