Bling's weekly book review: Big Red - Based on the Walt Disney Motion Picture

Hi friends,

This week's book review is on my favorite book of all times.  The name of the book is Big Red.  Big Red is an Irish Setter - just like me. 
Big Red
The original movie, Big Red, was released by Walt Disney Motion Pictures in 1962.   Gosh, that was a long time ago. 
If you look at my photo, I have an original movie poster behind me. I also have the children's book.   The copy of the book I have is for children and was adapted by Kathleen N. Daly.  The illustrations were created by Mel Crawford. The original book was a novel written in 1945 by an American author named Jim Kjelgaard
In the story adapted for the movie (and in my children's book), Big Red is a show dog who gets lost on the way to a dog show.  A boy named Rene, who helps take care of Big Red, is heart broken over the loss of the red dog he loves so much.   He has to do something to help find Big Red.   I've had something like this happen before.  When I really love someone and something is wrong, I have to help.   I don't want to tell you about the end of the book.  You will have to read the book or watch the movie to see what happens.  I have read the book over and over.  I have also watched the movie A LOT too.  They are both wonderful.   I would enjoy hearing what you thought about the book.  I know you will LOVE it.
Thank you for reading my book review.  I'll have a new one next week.
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It is wonderful to hear about new books to read.  If you have a book you'd like to recommend for me to read, I'd love for you to email me at

Love, hugs and a wagging tail, your friend, Bling


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